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Current Needs

Here you will find all the current needs that exist as we seek to serve one another in the confines of our
church and those outside in our local/global communities.

Grace Next Gen

Minis volunteer - Spend time on Sunday morning by caring for and discipling our little ones (0-3yo)
  - 1st Service: 8:15-9:45am
  - 2nd Service: 9:45-11:15am
Background check is required to serve in this ministry

Grace Community Team

Senior Care - do you have time to help one of our seniors? Sometimes it is a ride to the doctor or church. Sometimes it is minor home repairs, or yard work. We love our seniors and want to provide any services they might need. Sometimes it is just a short visit to say hello.

Meal train - we are always in need of dinners for those who have just come home from the hospital, or just had a baby, or a death in the family. A meal tells them their church family cares about them

Genesee Elementary School attendance night - November 17th from 5:30 to 6:30. We help this school by putting on attendance nights throughout the year. When a student has good attendance they receive a ticket to attend this night, where they are served pizza, and have games and great prizes. We need six volunteers to help serve this event.

Genesee Elementary Reindeer Sale - Dec. 12 -16. This is a time where students are able to purchase gifts for their parent or sibling for only 25 cents. Gifts are donated, and we need volunteers to help do the gift wrapping. Times are during school hours, and we ask you help a minimum of one hour.

Prayer Team 1st service - Do you have a heart to listen and pray for people? At the end of each of our services we have a time where people who need prayer can pray with someone at the front of the worship center. If that is something you're interested in you can serve in either the 1st service @8am or 2nd service @10am

Grace Creative

Worship Team Instrumentalists - Rehearseal wedensday night, two services sunday morning. Drummers, Acoustic, Electric Guitar, Keys, Bass Players.

Worship Team Vocalists - Rehearsal wedensday night, two services sunday morning. Lead singers, Backup Vocalists gifted in voice (Melody/Harmony).

Photographers - Shoot/Edit Sunday morning captures,  or shoot/edit special events
(need to have own equipment)

Grace Connect Team

Ushers - if you have an inviting smile, are good at finding open seats, and don’t mind asking people to slide down the row, we need you to help with the usher team. This role goes from time of arrival until all are seated. On communion weeks we ask that you would help pick up the communion cups after the service.
- 1st Service: 8:20-9:30am
- 2nd Service: 9:50-11am

Front Door Greeter - do you have a friendly welcome, and good with names? We could use you to welcome people on a Sunday morning.
- 1st Service: 8:15-8:45
- 2nd Service 9:45-10:15

Rear Door Greeter - do you have a friendly welcome, and good with names? We could use you to welcome people on a Sunday morning.
- 1st Service: 8:15-8:45
- 2nd Service 9:45-10:15

Sunday Morning Hospitality - to make sure we have piping hot coffee for our guests we need someone to make coffee each Sunday morning, starting at 7:45am. Asking for a once a month commitment.

Special Event Hospitality - we love food here at Grace Chapel! We need people to help in the kitchen during special events we hold here. You would be called the week prior to when we have an event that you could volunteer for.

Baker - love to make cookies? We have our 6th - 12th graders that love to eat them! Student Section runs every Thursday night throughout the school year. If you could volunteer to bake cookies once a month they would love you!

Grace Works

Event Setup/Teardown - This would entail being available for one or many of the events we hold here at grace chapel and being willing to set up chairs, tables, etc.

Winter sidewalk snow removal 1st service - clear the sidewalks before the service begins, arrive at church at 8am, snow shoveling, looking for some of our younger men to help

Winter sidewalk snow removal 2nd service - clear the sidewalks before the service begins, arrive at church at 9:30am, snow shoveling, looking for some of our younger men to help

Ventrac snowblower operator - operating our Ventrac machine for snow removal (training required) Be at church at 7:30am, commit to once a month.

Serving Form

Below you will let us know what area and what role from the above list you would like to serve in.